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Today at lunch, HB and I made the mistake of having a philosophical discussion in front of M1.  Specifically, it was a debate between the merits of teetotalism versus moderate and occasional social drinking in Christian society.  Given that HB grew up in the Bible Belt and I grew up in Wisconsin: Land of Beer and Cheese, it is perhaps surprising that we meet in the middle so well on this topic.

But that's beside the point.  What is the point is that we hadn't realized that our conversation should have been censored in front of the Munchkins.  At least, we didn't realize it until M1 started babbling happily into his milk:

"Number three is tying one cutting board.
Number four is drinking alcohol.
Number five is drinking alcohol.
Number nine is talking alcohol.
Number ten is talking alcohol."
Now there's a counting chant that will never show up on Sesame Street.

What's worse is that he is enunciating it extremely well.  We may be in trouble after Sunday School this weekend.

(By the way, I have no idea how he constructed "number three is tying one cutting board."  Other than I'd never heard the euphemism "tying one on" before and I'd asked HB to explain it's etymology.  That's just going to have to be a mystery.)


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