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Last night, M1 and I were discussing his dinner plate.  For the first time, he was showing an interest in the dinosaur pictures printed on it.  Sadly, he started out by calling them "doggies."  Then "horsies."  We didn't get that straightened out until I gave him a helpful sound effect to go with the word "dinosaurs."

After the fun of shouting, "Dinosaurs say 'RAWR!'" at each other wore off, M1 looked around and pointed at the milk label.  "That's a Dillons" he said.

Surprised that he would recognize the store's logo (I don't think he's ever discussed the stores we shop at by name before), I encouraged him.  "That's right!" I said brightly.

"Dillons say 'rawr'" he pronounced next.


"Noooo," I said slowly. "I don't think Dillons says 'rawr.'"

He thought about this for a moment, and then cried, "Dillons say 'Chicken! Chicken! Chicken!'"


There are times when I just have no explanation for my son.  This is one of those times.


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