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I had to cut M1's toenails today. As I'm sitting bent over his feet in my lap, he starts playing with my hair.  Then with my ear.  I didn't think too much of it until he said, "That's a big ear!"

All I can think of at this point (up until he tries to stick his finger in my "big" ear) is a parody of a line from The Bob Newhart Show:

Mommy, Mommy, ears so wide
Look like pancakes side-by-side!
 But at least it's better than the time he started patting my chin and saying, "Beard.  Mommy beard."  In the months since that episode, we've taught him useful concepts like "Mommy doesn't have a beard" (though every so often he reverts).  Some days not an hour will go by without an observation like "Daddy has a beard," "Mommy doesn't have a beard," "M2 doesn't have a beard," "Papa has a beard," "Nana doesn't have a beard," or even, "Kitty doesn't have a beard."

As tiring as that gets, I am only thankful that his first foray into sexual dimorphism was so G-rated.


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