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At the Car Wash

On July 3rd, a local weather system decided to celebrate the holiday weekend with it's own brand of fireworks.  We got a moderately intense thunderstorm with extremely intense rain (three-quarters of an inch of rain in about an hour).  Fortunately M1 still isn't too bothered by storms - he loves watching hail and on Sunday he even exclaimed, "The thunder goes ding ding!"

But since that deluge didn't succeed in cleaning our car, we decided to introduce M1 to the joys of car-washing.  Unfortunately, we started by forgetting about the joys of "I pour it out!"

There used to be half a bottle left of car wash solution. *sigh*
But after we cleaned that up, it was time to start washing the car in earnest.  Hosing it down wasn't too terribly challenging for M1...

...although his aim still needs a little work.  I think that was his favorite part; for the rest of the day he kept saying ,"Gonna water the car."
M1 then started applying the suds with absolutely no prompting from us.

He apparently determined that the suds should be carried over to the car on top of the sponge (as if it were an artist's palette) and then gently applied to the car by hand.  And when that got boring, M1 decided that applying the suds to my front made a nice change.

Eventually, he did get the general idea.


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