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M1 is having a problem with choices.  Specifically, he cannot seem to grasp the logical construct, "if A then not B."  So when HB and I take separate cars to meet up somewhere, M1 can't decide which one to ride home in.  For instance, as we were leaving the in-laws' house last Sunday after lunch, M1 immediately started saying, "Gonna go in the white car."

So we loaded him up in the white car and I drove off, while HB loaded M2 into the blue car.  And as soon as we started leaving the other car behind, M1 threw a screaming tantrum along the lines of "Gonna get in the blue car!  Gonna see Daddy in the blue car!"  Thank goodness it's only about a mile and a half to drive home.

Thinking I had learned my lesson, I made extra sure this week to ask M1 the question in several different ways, "Do you want to go in the white car?  Do you want to ride in the blue car?  Do you want to drive with Daddy? etc..."  90% of the responses indicated a preference for riding in the blue car with HB.

On the plus side (for me at least), HB was the one to get the tantrum this week.

And the fit continued at home.  As soon as the cars pulled into the garage next to each other, M1 started up again with, "Gonna get out and get in the white car."

HB gently but firmly told him that there would be no more car rides; we were going into the house.

M1's response?  "You don't want to go into the house."

Sadly for him, the Munchkin Mind Trick only influences the weak-minded.


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