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Cutes and Vegetables

Grocery shopping with the munchkins is always a venture into the unexpected.  You never quite know what's going to happen.

One might be stopped by a lovely grandparent-ly couple who address the cute, curly-headed boy riding in the front of the cart:

Woman: My aren't you cute!  Are you too shy to talk?
Me: M1, can you say "hi?"
M1 (grabbing my pharmacy purchase and proudly holding it up for display): Miralax!
Or M1 may express his fascination with analog clocks by pointing out every item in the store with a dial:
"That's a scale.  That's a clock.  That's a scale.  That's a clock."
And that's Mommy's head exploding.  Don't worry, she's not using it much these days.
Sometimes, M1 even tries to drop canned goods onto his sister, who is sitting in her carseat in the main area of the cart.  He probably figures she would enjoy shaking the cans as much as he does.

And there is always the popular game show: Name that Produce:
Me: Do you know what this is?
M1 (after a thoughtful pause): Gwapefwuit!
Me: No, that's a lemon.
Me: Do you know what this is?
M1 : It has an apple.
Me: No, but it is a fruit.
M1: It has a fwuit.
Me: It is a fruit.  It's a mango.
M1: Mango!
Me: That's ri - No! Don't eat it!
And he nearly always starts the same mantra nonstop when we start checking out:
"Have a good day!  Have a good day!"


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