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It all started a little over a month ago.  After much coaching, HB got M1 to come into the bedroom on Mother's Day and actually say, "Happy Mother's Day!"  (Actually, he said "Tell Mommy Happy Mother's Day," but I'll take what I can get).  We couldn't get it to work as well when he greeted his Nana later that day, though.

About two weeks later, it was my father-in-law's birthday.  He and my mother-in-law dropped by the house to pick up his birthday present, and HB prompted M1 to give the proper birthday greeting, just like he'd been coaching him all morning.

M1, wearing a big delighted smile, came up the stairs from the den and cried, "Happy Mother's Day, Papa!"

So I suppose it was inevitable that yesterday as we were driving over to the in-laws' house for a Father's Day meal that when we asked him, "And what are you going to tell Papa when you see him?" that M1's first response was, "Happy Birthday!"

We also got M1 to draw his Papa a Father's Day card.  He decide to draw a picture of his Papa, which was basically a bunch of scribbles that M1 would verbally label as "Papa's whiskers," "Papa's ears," "Papa's face," "Papa's beard," etc.

This sounds pretty normal, except I don't think M1 has ever encountered the term "whiskers" as a synonym for "men's facial hair."  He's only ever used it to describe a cat's facial features before...


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