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To some people, the word "munchkin" conjures vision of small, brightly colored folk sending a bewildered Dorothy on her way to see the Wizard:

Others immediately think of those yummy doughnut holes that Dunkin' Donuts makes:
Many of my fellow geeks refuse to consider anything except the witty D&D parody card game by Steve Jackson games:
But in our house, "munchkin" most often refers to one of our two kids.  Munchkin the First (M1) is a busy little boy of 28 months.  The character on the card game often seems like he would be simpler to deal with and less destructive.  Munchkin the Second, aka "the Munchkinette" (M2) is only six months old, so she probably won't get a lot of posts just yet (except when she becomes the unfortunate subject of her big brother's "helpfulness").



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